Learning N Kids


While the homeschooling journey is still fresh and new to me, I am doing a lot of research and learning from other homeschool moms. And I want to give back to the community through sharing my stories, experiences, mistakes and success. Putting together my research and sharing here on my blog, I hope I can help new homeschool moms save time on their research.

Strong-Willed Children (Maybe not ...)

Homeschooling opens a new door of education and learning for me. I have learnt more about my children as well about myself. Home education taught me about consistency, discipline, flexibility and fun. But most of all, it teaches me about my children, who are referred to as strong willed. Maybe they are not but weak-willed and struggle to exercise self-control and more.  

Kids Love

Most kids nowadays are spoiled with toys. But to be honest, how much do they need? And how much do they truly love? Not much! Again, less is better! In this page I will share with you toys, books, and children stuff and clothing that my kids love. Stuff that I don’t mind buying over and over again.

Vendor List

Over the years, I have a collection of vendors that I would share with family and friends. Here is the list that I would recommend.