My daily mantra is “my kids teach me how to be patient”. “I need to be patient with my kids”. But it is more than that. Being patient and understanding my kids are not enough. I am patient! I am listening! I am here for you! I am creative! I am making things fun and giving surprises. I am calm! I am changing my reward system so many times that I am not sure which one to use anymore. I am soft! I am loud! What else can I do because it still doesn’t work? Give me one tool! Just one tool to use that makes my stay-at-home-mom with ADHD, energetic, strong-willed, spiritual and sensitive child, easier. I know I am not alone here. And I think I am finding my one tool. CONSISTENCY! Are you consistent with your kids? I know I am not until recently.

A mom’s weakness is that she takes care of everyone but herself. She feels guilty and not enough time because she is busy investing her time and energy on everything and everyone around her but herself. Self-care is not selfish. Self-care is one of the best things a mom can do for her kids. It is a gift to the family. Self-care for mom should not be optional.

I am always looking for simple cooking meals with less time and ingredients. Since I took an Ayurveda class a couple years ago, I committed to change my cooking style. Less ingredients are better! I practice eating whole foods, lots of veggies, keep mostly gluten free (except for Sourdough and birthday cake sometimes), GMO-Free, minimal processed and ingredients snacks.

I am grateful for being a stay-at-home-mom full-time. Nothing in life is more important than able to be there to witness my children’s milestones. Therefore, thinking of going back to a 9-5 job and only seeing my kids for a couple hours before bedtime is heart-aching. However, I want to contribute, create and give more than just being home and cleaning after my kids. This learning journey allows me to be in touch with my passion and find my purpose. I have been learning and building new skills for the past couple years and continue to grow. I don’t know where you are in your journey and what you are looking for, I hope sharing my journey will give you new ideas, courage, and inspiration to create an enjoyable staying-at-home-mom journey for yourself and family.

Around The House
Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of kitchen gadgets, home décor, children stuff and many more. Some of them become my favorites and would love to buy again. But most of them, I feel waste of money and take space. Through this page I want to provide product’s reviews for families and share my honest and transparent opinions of them.