The Purposes of Learning N Kids
Help parents teaching kids to learn how to learn:
What is your question:
- How to motivate a child to study?
- How to make a child interested in studying?
- How to help and encourage kids to learn?
- How to make a child study independently?
- How can parents support learning at home?
The list can go on and on. But if we sit back and look at all of these questions, what is the main problem that we are trying to solve as parents? I see parents want their kids to thrive in their education journey. How can kids thrive in their educational journey?
Education’s definition is “Education is the process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a formal setting.” “Learning, on the other hand, is the acquisition of knowledge or skills through study and experience”
Joi Ito said: “Education is what people do to you. Learning is what you do for yourself.”
Clearly, to me, education and learning are not the same. Education is passive, and learning is active through doing and practice. Looking back, subjects or things I remembered the most or good at were the ones that I actually practiced over and over again. And through that process, I improved and got better. What if we can teach our kids that process and help them to understand it at an early age, what is the advantage they get through life in the long term?
Write a weekly blog post to help parents on their journey
At the beginning, I had doubts and fear that I may not do a favor for my children by keeping them home and learning from me, who speaks English as a second language. Thankfully to all mom bloggers out there! Without their videos, posts, and stories, I might still be in doubt now and angry at myself.
I have found my peace and learnt how to agree to disagree. I am aware of my imperfection and know that I have a lot of support around me to make up for it. And I want to share and contribute my experiences and learning to other moms. I hope that through my experiences, other parents can find their common ground that fits their kids, their teaching style, and their home tradition and beliefs.
Share my simple cooking meals
As many other moms, I have been following the trends of eating healthy and clean food as much as possible. However, since Covid-19, kids are home 24/7. Managing my day and how to use my time are more important than ever. Fast, simple, and getting the work done has become a new trend in my home, especially in my cooking. I am searching for less prepared meals with less ingredients. The few ingredients are better!
Those meals do not only save me time, but are also simple to eat. They are simple for kids to eat and digest. This approach makes my shopping easy and fast.
Curriculums and materials reviews for parents
I wish there is one stop for all homeschooling materials and curriculums. I also have found a lot of Christian based homeschool curriculums, but not a lot of non-religion ones.
I love the Christian curriculums because a lot of them focus on teaching kid family values and moralities. Family values and moralities are what I am looking for teaching my kids. However, I grew up in the Buddhism family. Sticking to what I know makes life easy and simple.
In this section, I will share my experiences and research to help new homeschooling parents with more ideas and materials to choose for their kids and families.
Inspiration and motivation for Self-grow and Self-care
One morning in 2017, as I walked out of shower and dried myself in front of the mirror, my husband came in and asked me a question about the broken spiderweb my son made. Just one simple question about the toy brought us into a big fight that I felt I wasn’t seen, heard or loved by my husband. I recognized that I was lost, unhappy and depressed, on top of lacking sleep from taking care of a newborn and a toddler.
I stared at my naked body in the mirror. I asked myself “what would make me happy?” This simple question has been taking me to a new journey of my life, growing self-care and self-love. This blog would be incomplete without this section because homeschooling is mentally challenging as much as being new parents. And we can’t go on with our days without taking care of ourselves first.
Help parents prepare kids for real life
I wish I were taught in school to prepare me for real life for example understanding basic finance, how to sell and marketing myself, how to speak in public, nutrition, doing taxes, and more.
Home-economic or Family & Consumer Sciences (FCS) is fading and becomes less important in our society. I think it is important to teach our kids basic skills like how to boil eggs, sew on a button, fold a fitted sheet, or how to save money or even better how to make money.